Comment 0 for bug 1125726

Revision history for this message
Thomas Bushnell, BSG (tbushnell) wrote :

We're seeing a race between if-up.d/ntpdate and the ntp startup script.

1) if-up.d/ntpdate starts.
2) if-up.d/ntpdate acquires the lock "/var/lock/ntpdate-ifup".
3) if-up.d/ntpdate stops the ntp service [which isn't running anyway].
4) if-up.d/ntpdate starts running ntpdate, which bids UDP *.ntp
5) /etc/init.d/rc 2 executes "/etc/rc2.d/S20ntp start"
6) /etc/init.d/ntp acquires the lock "/var/lock/ntpdate".
7) /etc/init.d/ntp starts the ntp daemon.
8) The ntp daemon logs an error, complaining that it cannot bind UDP *.ntp.
9) if-up.d/ntpdate now starts the ntp service.

The result is a weird churn, though ntpd does end up running at the end.

Should these not be using the same lock file?