Comment 24 for bug 1728354

Revision history for this message
Jean-Pierre (jean-pierre-andre) wrote :

> I haven't touched ntfs-3g, only copied/installed the plugin

Good to know this is usable, though it was not part of the design. You probably cannot browse the OneDrive directory, but apparently you can access files (and browse subdirectories) when you know their path. Despite the inconvenience this should be safe.

In the test scenario, I wanted to see why LibreOffice defeats the synchronization, which I expected to be apparent by comparing the ntfsinfo before and after an update of a synchronized file by LibreOffice (with no further interference from Windows). Your second and your third ntfsinfo are about different files, so I cannot tell.

Expected scenario :
1) Create a file on Windows and get it synchronized.
2) Reboot to Ubuntu
3) Extract the ntfsinfo
4) Update the file using LibreOffice (and save it without creating a new file)
5) Extract again the ntfsinfo
6) (Optionally) Reboot to Windows, and check the file cannot be synchronized any more.

In your second ntfsinfo, I see that an object id has been added (probably to reference the cloud copy). I suspect it was removed by LibreOffice, and if its scenario for saving the updated file is to create a new file and then to rename it like the initial one, then the object id is lost and Windows cannot associate it with the cloud copy any more.

If LibreOffice removes the object id, I see no solution.