Comment 4 for bug 124480

Revision history for this message
Szabolcs Szakacsits (szaka) wrote : Re: forbidden characters is filenames are allowed

On Sat, 7 Jul 2007, Nicolò Chieffo wrote:

> I've seen this on the ntfs-3g page, but I don't understand why ntfs
> can be accessed in a POISIX way, since it is a filesystem designed for
> windows.

No, you're misunderstanding the issues here. NTFS is designed
to be POSIX:

"Forbidden" characters and case sensitivity is perfectly legal on NTFS.

Your wiki update for WriteSupportForNTFS is misleading. It suggests ntfs-3g
doesn't use NTFS the correct, legal way which is not true. In fact,
Windows restricts access to these files for legacy reason, namely VFAT
can't support these.

> What are the advanteges?

POSIX. You can use it on any other POSIX OS for interoperability. This is
why NTFS was designed to be POSIX. And indeed, ntfs-3g runs fine on Linux,
OS X, FreeBSD, NetBSD, etc.

> (since people have always used the vfat filesystem to share files, which
> is non POSIX at least by default?).

VFAT isn't POSIX at all. NTFS intentionally solved this problem, so one can
use it in its full capacity.

> This is an unexpected change!

No, it's not. Microsoft intentionally made NTFS POISX. There are
governmental and industrial regulations which requires POSIX
for certain solutions and without POSIX compliance Microsoft
couldn't have made important business deals.

> And finally what are the disadvantages of using the filesystem in the WIN
> way?

Quite many things would break and users would be confused why things
don't work.

The question is what is better? Breaking many Linux and other POSIX OSes
applications or fix Windows where the fix is already available?

> On the other hand I'm glad to discover that there is a fix for
> windows. BUT this should *really* be told to the user who uses
> ntfs-3g, especially now that there is the spec to add it by default.

This is Microsoft's job. It's their problem, they restrict users, they need
to solve it.

> Finally, I think that the user should have the possibility to choose
> (maybe through ntfs-config ?) the first time he uses this driver.

Then even more people would be confused why so many programs wouldn't work
on Linux due to these restrictions. Please note that you can't really refer
to VFAT because they are quite different file systems and even Microsoft
stopped supporting it as the main file system, due to very good reasons.

> He should be told that using it in the POSIX way, files will be case
> sensitive, some characters such as : ? \ and others that previously
> were not allowed on the filesystem now are allowed, and that they have
> to download and install <B>Windows Services for Unix</B>
> And he should be told that if he wants to access the filesystem in the
> standard way, there are these restrictions in the filename, and the
> case will be non sensitive

Microsoft always toldl these to the Windows users. I can't see any new or
surprising here. Everybody is keep learning, that's all.