Comment 3 for bug 1374434

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msp3k (peek-nimbios) wrote : Re: [Bug 1374434] Re: nslcd daemon dies

On 09/26/2014 11:10 AM, Arthur de Jong wrote:
> Does the kernel log anything (segmentation fault)?

No mention of nslcd in /var/log/kern.log

> What is your nslcd.conf like?

# /etc/nslcd.conf
# nslcd configuration file. See nslcd.conf(5)
# for details.

# The user and group nslcd should run as.
uid nslcd
gid nslcd

# The location at which the LDAP server(s) should be reachable.
uri ldap://

# The search base that will be used for all queries.
base dc=nimbios,dc=org

# The LDAP protocol version to use.
#ldap_version 3

# The DN to bind with for normal lookups.
#binddn cn=annonymous,dc=example,dc=net
#bindpw secret

# The DN used for password modifications by root.
#rootpwmoddn cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com

# SSL options
#ssl off
#tls_reqcert never

# The search scope.
#scope sub

> If you run nslcd in debug mode (start manually with -d) does it output
> any useful information around the time of the crash?
> If this is at all reproducable running it under gdb, valgrind or even
> strace could provide valuable information.

I'll see if I can gather some more information for you.

Thank you for Ubuntu!
