Comment 6 for bug 434789

Revision history for this message
Michael Martin-Smucker (mmartinsmucker) wrote :

Could someone link to a mailing list topic or blog entry or something that explains the rationale behind this change? I doubt that many users are going to think, "Oh, of course the notification is placed there. It's asynchronous." More people will probably wonder why so many notifications don't show up in what they perceive to be the "right" spot.

For me, most of my notifications are of the asynchronous variety, so a majority of my notifications appear in their new slot, with a weird-looking gap above them. Plus, they're now much more likely to interfere with content on the rest of the page than they would be in the corner. This problem is much worse with non-widescreen, lower-resolution monitors.

But certainly there's some reasoning to defend this design decision, so I'd be interested in reading it.