Comment 232 for bug 390508

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Notify OSD was inefficiently tracking its bugs in two places, the project and the Ubuntu package, an example of bug 76416. Now we've migrated to tracking bugs just on the package. To briefly list your resulting errors, (1) that this is a bug is assuming the question, (2) the cases described in this report are cases for which *any* asynchronous notification system wouldn't work reliably, (3) describing how to satisfy their need is not failing to recognize their need, (4) taking offense does not demonstrate that you are right, (5) "Canonical" has only two "n"s, (6) I have spent much more time on this bug report than someone who doesn't care would, (7) the silent majority does not necessarily agree with you or even care, and (8) other OSes don't let app developers customize notification durations either.