Comment 184 for bug 390508

Revision history for this message
Tim D (humbletim) wrote :

here's a workaround to clear all past notify-send 's and apply a smaller timeout for current notification (warning: notifications will indeed be lost this way).

i simply wanted scripted notifications quick and dirty w/o accumulation... i'd prefer another solution, but after wasting too much time because of that "man notify-osd" dysfunctional -t reference i'm satisfied for now with below hack.

pkill notify-osd #shoot the messenger
notify-send $1 #this will start notify-osd again...
sleep 0.1 # habit
NPID=$(pgrep notify-osd) # grab current notify-osd process ID
sleep 0.9
kill -9 $NPID #shoot the messenger again, but only if instance we caused