Comment 3 for bug 1571395

Revision history for this message
David Anderson (davea42) wrote :

Regrettably I don't have much additional data, but nmap has been crashing
irregularly for me. At least daily. I get a crash notification window and
clicking 'details' I see that /usr/bin/nmap is the culprit.

nmap -sV -oG /tmp/tediptmpout -p80 '192.168.x.140-200'
(obscuring the actual local ipv4 subnet with an x here)

is the specific command used.

It gets used several times a day to find a device ip on local lan
and extract data from the device.
I never saw this problem before 16.04

Today I got fed up with this and downloaded nmap source version 7.40
and built it. Installed in /usr/local/bin.

So far that is working fine, but it is too early to say it solves the problem.