Comment 31 for bug 910143

Revision history for this message
Thalis Kalfigopoulos (tkalfigo) wrote :

I'm on 14.04 64bit. Got it to work. Here is what I tried.

Managed to resolve the issue of "Error: the status of this extension is unknown" in the Tools -> Extension manager for the "libreoffice-nlpsolver" extension by reinstalling libreoffice and purging+reinstalling libreoffice-nlpsolver.

Despite the fact that the error no longer appeared in Extension Manager, still couldn't get the Solver to show other engine options, besides "LibreOffice Linear Solver".

This was using openjdk-6. Installed openjdk-7 and selected it through Tools -> Options -> Advanced instead of openjdk-6.

Restarted Calc and now the Solver provides in its options 2 more evolutionary engines additionally to the Linear one.