Comment 22 for bug 1743592

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Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

On IRC, Simon suggested this:

16:43 <sdeziel> teward: to add to possible solutions, using "listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=off;" alone seems to do the right thing no matter what is present, v4 only, v6 only or both

There's one known downside, which is that IPv4 connections are logged as IPv6 like this:

18:48 <teward> yes, but that makes the logs all log IPv6 addresses ::ffff: as an example

However as far as I understand that doesn't lose anything.

Opinions on this as a way of resolving this bug? Summary: we change the default listen directive to "listen [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=off;"

Feature freeze is on Thursday, so ideally we should make a decision on this very soon if we want any change to release in Focal.