Comment 5 for bug 343897

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Steve Beattie (sbeattie) wrote :

Discussing this with Tuxist on #ubuntu-server on irc, I am closing this bug status as invalid, as we were able to get it nfsv4+heimdal working for him. The issue was this: nfsv4 maps mounts differently than previous versions of nfs, Tuxist needed to set fsid=0 in /etc/exports on the server (and restart /etc/init.d/nfs-common) and then issue the mount command on the client *without including the server side path*; e.g.:

  mount -t nfs4 -o rw,sec=krb5p nfs.wehrwolf.local: /home

rather than issuing the nfsv3 style command:

  mount -t nfs4 -o rw,sec=krb5p nfs.wehrwolf.local:/exports/users /home

which does not work, giving the EEXIST/no such file or directory result (with the fsid=0 mapping in place, I believe the latter is asking to mount /exports/users/exports/users nfs.wehrwolf.local to /home on the client machine).

This seems ripe for conversion into a question if someone would like to make the effort and clean up the title/description. Thanks.