Comment 20 for bug 2051935

Revision history for this message
Rodolfo Alonso (rodolfo-alonso-hernandez) wrote :

Hello Brian:

First of all, I don't have a devstack deployed environment. I have a multinode setup with 3 controllers and 2 compute nodes, so I needed to change the commands provided. is the external network configured in my deployment. The other resources are:
* router_ext:
** ext_gw:
** net_int2:
* router_int:
** net_int2:
** net_int1:

The routes added:
* router_ext: destination=,gateway= (net_int1, router_int net_int2 interface)
* router_int: destination=,gateway= (*all*, router_ext net_int2 interface)

I tried with different routers:
* dvr: no ping
* ha: no ping
* legacy: I can ping

That could not be considered as a feature but as a bug or at least a side effect of how legacy router is implemented. In any case, I've contacted the core OVN developers to know if this functionality is possible and how should be implemented in Neutron.
