Comment 0 for bug 1877797

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James Troup (elmo) wrote : rocky neutron-openvswitch-agent has a bug which causes VM connectivity problems during Rocky upgrade (to get to Stein)

The Rocky release notes ( contain this entry for 13.0.7:

Fixes an issue that the OVS firewall driver does not configure security group rules using remote group properly when a corresponding remote group has no port on a local hypervisor. For more information see bugs: 1862703 and 1854131.

Unfortunately Rocky in the Ubuntu Cloud Archive is only 13.06 and we hit this problem with a customer cloud that was being upgraded to Stein and it caused workload network outages for them.

I realize Rocky is out of support at this point, but the supported upgrade path for Queens to Stein, includes upgrading to Rocky. Can we please get 13.07 or later into the UCA for Rocky?