Comment 68 for bug 959037

Revision history for this message
Alkis Georgopoulos (alkisg) wrote :

I was reading about bind-interfaces at and I'm wondering, are there any use cases that will have problems with bind-interfaces and the standalone dnsmasq instance?

 * Suppose a teacher boots her laptop (==LTSP server) without a network cable plugged in. Dnsmasq starts (will it only listen on lo?), and after a few minutes she decides to plug in the network cable and boot the LTSP clients. Will dnsmasq be listening on eth0 in that case?
 * The same can happen if she has configured network manager with a user-connection, not a system-wide one. Dnsmasq will start on boot; eth0 will get an IP only after she logs in. Will she have to restart dnsmasq after login to make it work?
 * Also, what if she was previously using a dynamic IP and she decides to set up a static IP? Will she have to restart dnsmasq after changing her IP?