Comment 13 for bug 514409

Revision history for this message
dogatemylegoff (osuilleabhain-g) wrote : Re: Network Manager fails with Huawei E122 HSPA USB Stick

Hi All,

I have the same problem, I have a Dell Vostro 1000 and tried connecting through "3" Ireland with the E122 modem. I got this modem as an upgrade to the E220 on the "3" broadband network here in Ireland. I'm nearly out of space on my machine and doubt if I can upgrade to 10.4 beta as I have no room, I've tried running the Windows 3Connect software that came on the upgrade stick ( the E122) through WINE to get around this problem, but it's just stuck initializing, do you think that running usb_modeswitch in a terminal window might be able to get this to work? I already did the lsusb command and it recognized that this was a Hauwei usb device.

Surely there must be another option out there besides upgrading to 10.4 beta, I really don't want to go back to Windows at all ever again frankly, but stuck using it to write this message.

Thanks again for any help, need to get off Windows very fast for my own sanity