Comment 2 for bug 38918

Revision history for this message
hackel (hackel) wrote :

After enough playing around with my profile, deleting keyrings and gconf keys, I've finally got nm-applet to only ask for my keyring password once. Unfortunately I have no clue what the actual difference was. The only difference I could find was this gconf key:


        <entry name="scan_method" mtime="1130843086" type="int" value="2">

Which is not present in my new, working configuration. I don't see what this would have to do with gnome-keyring, however, so I'm stumped. I also recreated my keyring (although I'd done that several times and it never made any difference).

Since no one else reported this same problem I'll assume it was some strange, esoteric configuration I had, perhaps from a previous version. If anyone else has this problem, feel free to re-open.