Comment 17 for bug 373791

Revision history for this message
groovomata (groovomata-gmail) wrote :

I am currently typing this note using a wireless connection. After I was unable to get wireless to work with ubuntu 9.04, I got paranoid that my wireless adapter was no longer working and decided to see if it would work if I install Windows Vista on my computer. Lo and behold, it did not... but while digging around in vista, one dialogue box informed me that my card was not enabled, and indeed the little wireless light was not lit in vista. Once I enabled it, wireless worked fine in vista. So then I wiped out vista and re-installed Jaunty and voila! My wireless worked. I very much prefer ubuntu over Windows, but I do wish in all of the different outputs of various commands that I pored over, one of them had simply said that my wireless card was not enabled, afterall, the little wireless light was on the whole time in ubuntu. How was I to know?
Anyways, I'm happy to report that my wireless now works fine!