Comment 25 for bug 336736

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Marlon (rac-sword2) wrote :

Got it, so according to that email chain it wont be fixed for a couple of reasons including latency and also...:
"2) appropriateness
    a) many of the things people used to do in pre-up or pre-down
scripts (munging routing tables, other stuff) are better done by
*modifying the connection config itself*"

1.- Ok, how can I get the iptable to load a configuration file using the above recommended method of "modifying the connection config itself"?

2.- Also, adding any type of script using this method, wouldnt it do the same as the preup/predown scripts folder? Couldnt it also fault against the same reasons for which the pre-up/pre-down phase was taken away?

I realize that my questions my sound sarcastic to some but I didnt ask them in such a "tone". I'm simply not as knowledgeable in *nix and want a solution to my specific use (loading iptables configuration before the network interface is up).

Thank you and forgive my lack of knowledge,
