Comment 2 for bug 310130

Revision history for this message
pyrates (pyrates18) wrote :

I'm not sure what you mean, all I see is the following directory and file structure in that folder.

# tree ./
|-- %gconf.xml
`-- 1
    |-- %gconf.xml
    |-- 802-11-wireless
    | `-- %gconf.xml
    |-- 802-11-wireless-security
    | `-- %gconf.xml
    `-- connection
        `-- %gconf.xml

4 directories, 5 files

If it helps, I also can't select among my 3 network ports on this computer. Only eth2. Network Manager calls them Auto eth0, Auto eth1, and Auto eth2. The wifi connection information is called Auto Wifi with Wifi being the SSID name.

The network manager version is NetworkManager Applet 0.7.0.