Comment 0 for bug 306552

Revision history for this message
sunatomo (naiyu) wrote :

I've added the cdma provider settings on serviceproviders.xml at /usr/share/mobile-broadband-provider-info/ .
Cdma provider settings can see and edit in the nm-connection-editor.
But if I make the configuration via Cdma setting, these setting does't work.

I'm using Huawei E220 cdma usb modem.
In NetworkManager, nm-connection-editor's "default configuration for moble broadband connection (gsm)" doesn't work.

So I 'd change the /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-modem.fdi
from "GSM-07.07" and "GSM-07.05" to "IS-707-A" (at key="modem.command_sets" type="strlist"),
and "auto mobile broadband (cdma) connection" can connect the cdma provider.

added Cdma provider configuration in serviceproviders.xml was this

  <cdma />

but nm-connection-editor made the settings (see at gconf-editor) was

/system/networking/connections/1/gsm/band=0, name=gsm, network-type=0, number= *99***1#,username=em

"auto mobile broadband (cdma) connection" (see at gconf-edittor) was

/system/networking/connections/2/cdma/name=cdma, number=*99***1#, username=em
(/system/networking/connections/2/gsm was none)