Comment 252 for bug 274995

Revision history for this message
Dovel (dov01) wrote : Re: MASTER storing ALSA mixer element values during shutdown hangs nondeterministically if non-loopback network interfaces are still up

Daniel Chen

As much as I do not want to be drawn into a useless debate, the driver would seem to be successful if it does as intended with the hardware - BIOS included - provided by the vendor. The question of which of the two - the hardware's BIOS or the driver designed to work with it has the bug would seem to be more a subjective question than an objective one and as such is not fundamentally important. Please remember, whatever you think of our "armchair analysis". We, like you, are members of the Ubuntu community. We report and help fix bugs. We do Alpha and Beta testing. Some of us even spend time on #ubuntu@freenode just to do our bit for the community and help others with their Ubuntu related problems.

So without point scoring or whatever, please lets just get on with fixing this problem. I have read all of your posts to this bug as well as the others. I do however reserve the basic human privilege of exploring the issue for myself and reporting that which I consider to be possibly useful.

I would like to say that I DO APPRECIATE the time you have put into this bug, as I appreciate the work of all the others. Well done all, we're getting there!

So it seems to be number 3 then of the 3 possible causes I conjectured for this bug in comment 231? The relationship between ALSA and pusleaudio.