Comment 11 for bug 227819

Revision history for this message
Magnus Wissler (gmw) wrote :

*bump* :-)

Second the previous comment about traffic being relevant; I recently clean-installed 8.10 (with network-manager) on an old box. Sure enough, as soon as I started transferring larger amounts of data across the network (be it streaming or copying large files), network-manager thinks the network card (eth0, in my case) link goes down repeatedly.

When copying a large file (it's on a 100 Mbps switch) this happens every 1 to 30 seconds. When streaming video on the other hand, it happens every 2 to 15 MINUTES. So it definitely seems related to the amount of traffic going through the network card.

Uninstalling network-manager and configuring /etc/network/interfaces myself fixed it. I haven't had a single "eth0: link down" in my log since uninstalling network-manager.

For reference, here's my current (working)/etc/network/interfaces (though the ppp0 is obviously not relevant here):

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

iface ppp0 inet ppp
provider ppp0

auto ppp0