Comment 110 for bug 211631

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Neil Broadley (scaine) wrote :

Confirmed here too. I've tried all the solutions listed previously to resolve this issue in Karmic and Wireless, but I always experience a hang on shutdown. The only "workaround" (not really) I've found so far is to add the "users" option to my /etc/fstab entry for my cifs share, then manually unmount the volume before shutting down / restarting the laptop.

Although the umountcifs script still works when run manually, I've tried linking to just about every position in /etc/rc0.d (and /etc/rc6.d) with no success. A linked thread here also suggests putting umountcifs in /etc/gdm/Postsession/default - all that seems to do is break the exit usplash (or whatever that's called now - the ubunut logo thing that fades away) - but the hang persists.

Is there perhaps some kind of upstart configuration that needs to be modfied in Karmic to emulate the K0umountcifs behaviour?