Comment 3 for bug 210095

Revision history for this message
zedic (zedic) wrote :

Upgraded to intrepid ibex Alpha 4 - Still Not Working...

I have confirmed the line send host-name "<hostname>"; in my /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf file. NetworkManager still doesn't send the hostname.

My company's DHCP sever won't give out a DHCP address unless the host name starts with a specific string. The DHCP client must send my host name.

**This Works**
ifconfig eth0 up
dhclient eth0

**Does NOT Work**
When I select Auto eth0 from the NetworkManager applet 0.7.0

While NetworkManager was trying to connect I did sudo cat /var/run/nm-dhclient-eth0.conf
  The file only contains # Created by NetworkManager