Comment 24 for bug 204931

Revision history for this message
Barteq (barteqpl) wrote :

@Thomas Heidrich

Some reports here confirms and some denies this issue after upgrade. Of course I'm talking about my very configuration, but it doesn't mean that it works on everyone's computer.

Before patch NM was polling something many times per second (watched via strace command). It looked like infinite loop.
Now it stays quiet in background and I`am able to see many other actions not only polling events. And it uses 0% cpu not 100% and makes me able to connect via WiFi (which I'm using right now). So in my case issue is resolved.

-- edit

While writing this post something strage happened. I was deauthenticated from AP, and can't connect once more.. In logs are many errors like

[ 6438.416453] wlan0: authenticated
[ 6438.416454] wlan0: associate with AP 00:13:10:4a:c6:88
[ 6438.417373] wlan0: RX ReassocResp from 00:13:10:4a:c6:88 (capab=0x431 status=0 aid=3)
[ 6438.417376] wlan0: associated
[ 6441.606793] wlan0: RX deauthentication from 00:13:10:4a:c6:88 (reason=2)
[ 6441.606802] wlan0: deauthenticated

So.. something happend or maybe it's a normal issue that reathentication using wpa-psk takes about 4 minutes to became valid?