Comment 0 for bug 1877884

Revision history for this message
Kathryn Morgan (katamo) wrote :

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Package Version: NA
Issue: Ubuntu NetworkManager packages for Ubuntu 20.04+ lack OVS support.

  Running the following:
    `nmcli con up ovs-mgmt1`
    `nmcli connection add type ovs-interface con-name mgmt1 ifname mgmt1 ip4 gw4 master internal`
  Should raise the ovs interface(es) defined.

Actual results:
    `Error: Connection activation failed: NetworkManager plugin for 'ovs-interface' unavailable`
    `Error: Connection activation failed: NetworkManager plugin for 'ovs-port' unavailable`
    `Error: Connection activation failed: NetworkManager plugin for 'ovs-bridge' unavailable`
*depending on interface type being raised

  As of the release of rpm distros {CentOS,RHEL} 8.x there is no standard method to raise OVS interfaces without resorting to depricated ifscripts. deb based releases dropped NetworkManager nm-* support for OVS in favor of networkd. rpm based releases have dropped networkd in favor of NetworkManager.