Comment 3 for bug 1767900

Revision history for this message
mike stewart (mdrmike) wrote :

@seb128 I'm in a Starbucks now. #1727237 does not fix my issue.

This seems to be a duplicate of open bug: #1766969 ( ), which forked from #1727237


1. At Starbucks, connect to Google Starbucks WiFi.
2. Jump into a browser to have it identify a "server not found", need the name of the server in the browser address. (Example: Browser hangs on ``)
3. Open terminal and run `ip route` to determine ROUTER.IP (example: `ip route` returns `default via`)
4. Lookup the server IP address from local router by running `dig @ROUTER.IP server.not.found` (example: `dig @` returns `;; ANSWER SECTION: 0 IN A`)
5. Add IP address to /etc/hosts (Example: `sudo nano /etc/hosts` add the line: ``)
6. Add nameservers to /etc/resolv.conf (Example: `sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf` add lines above existing nameserver `nameserver` and `nameserver`)

Try again to connect (and don't reboot before connecting).

After reviewing the output as I was sharing I realized
Step 4 might be totally unnecessary.
Step 5 is a permanent change that likely will affect your ability to connect at other Starbucks.
Step 6 is temporary and systemd will overwrite the file at reboot, possibly sooner.