Comment 0 for bug 1577885

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Matthias Laumer (matthias-laumer) wrote :

I prepare for mounting with the following entry in /etc/fstab my Synology NAS :

// /media/server/server_data cifs users,uid=1000,gid=1000,username=xxxxx,passwd=xxxxxx,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm,noauto,_netdev 0

After login to unity, I mount it with a bash-script (mount -a)

Doing this, and shuting down or rebooting lead into a very delayed shutdown (round about 2 minutes) Pressing ESC Key, showed that the process stops at the comman "umount /media/server ..."

I have not tested if this also appears when I am connected via ethernet. I think it is because the Network is already disabled prior all umounts are done.

This issue happens even if I type in a shutdown command into a Terminal or if I choose shutdown form the menue, also if I use the power-button.

Failure can be avaided if I umount the network-drives manually previouse to reboot.

Interim solution was, to create an alias for "shutdown" like "sh /path/to/umount/ && shutdown" in /etc/bash.bashrc.local.