Comment 61 for bug 1480877

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Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

Here's some test results from me. tl;dr stopping location services helps a lot, but still tiny UI stuttering.

My routine is to leave my apartment and walk down the street. This means I go from wifi to 3G. What happens on current images is:

1) As my phone notices that I'm out of wifi range, it freaks out. This is when the UI stutters (and high dbus CPU). This can last up to a minute, making the phone nigh unusable for the duration. The indicator switches to 3G only after all the stuttering stops (making me think it's finally caught up to all the dbus traffic that's been trying to get through the loaded dbus).

2) Every so often after this (15 or 30 seconds maybe?), I get a very brief, maybe 1s, UI stutter. Presumably this is during wifi scans. It goes away if I turn off wifi completely.

I don't see either of those issues when I'm on wifi. It's only going to 3G and staying on 3G that cause the problems. Again, everything points to wifi scans triggering it.

So that's the normal routine. Today I tried that routine once to confirm it was still happening. Then turned off the three services per comment 56. And did my routine again. This time the switch to 3G happened faster. I still saw some stuttering during the transition. Maybe three short bursts of stutter in quick succession. But all over in a matter of seconds, versus the minute before. And I still saw the regular-interval 1s stutter during normal scans.

But disabling locations was a huge help. And makes this bug go from a show-stopper to merely a regular annoyance.

Shall we spin off a bug for the location folks to clean up their dbus usage?