Comment 10 for bug 1439771

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Denilson Sá (denilsonsa) wrote :

My system: Asus X450CA runnning Lubuntu 15.04.

Case 1:
The laptop not connected to anything else. I close down the lid, the laptop goes to sleep. I open the lid, the laptop wakes up. And the Wi-Fi seems to work okay afterwards.

Case 2:
The laptop connected to an external HDMI monitor (i.e. dual-head setup). This way, closing the lid does not make the laptop sleep. I can press Fn+F1 to start the sleeping procedure. Afterwards, I can press the power button to wake the laptop up. After it wakes up, Wi-Fi does not work anymore, and I need to run "sudo service network-manager restart".

In both cases, I have LXDE environment, with OpenBox and xfce4-power-manager.

I have not tried too many variations, though; but I hope this helps reproducing the issue.