Comment 54 for bug 121439

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Anderson (jonathan-anderson) wrote :

> I assumed that this was a 'feature' of NM? - So yes, I notice this as
> well from time to time.

But I'm not talking about NM... since upgrading to Gutsy, my laptop connects to random open networks before NM is even involved in the process:

 - before I log in (my KNetworkManager settings are in my KWallet, so
   it used to be that wireless networking was a post-login thing)
 - immediately after rmmod ipw3945 && modprobe ipw3945, while
   KNetworkManager still shows "No Wireless Networks Found"

Thus, if NM isn't doing the connecting, the driver must be. This messes things up, so NM can't do its job anymore. Using 'sudo iwconfig', I see things like:

 - ESSID: "default" even though NM is trying to connect to "home"
 - my home encryption key being used with my neighbour's network

So, I seem to have a pretty serious disconnect between NM and the ipw driver, with the driver doing all sorts of things (e.g. connecting to networks) that NM is supposed to be in charge of. This is the behaviour of which I ask, "does anybody else see this as well, or should I file a new bug?"