Comment 51 for bug 121439

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Jonathan Anderson (jonathan-anderson) wrote :

I also have a Dell Inspiron 6400 (a.k.a. E1505) with ipw3945. It worked flawlessly under Feisty.

An interesting note: since I upgraded to Gutsy, ipw3945 connects to networks that I don't want it to connect to. Some neighbour has a network with SSID "default". If ipw3945 connects to default before NetworkManager gets a chance to say "hey! connect to home_ssid!", I'm up a creek without a paddle.

If, however, I restart ipw3945 and manage to click my home network in KNetworkManager *before* ipw3945 connects to 'default', I get normalcy.

Or, one time, X froze.

Anyway, do other people see this behaviour (connecting to open networks "automagically")?