Comment 0 for bug 384642

Revision history for this message
Derek White (d-man97) wrote :

1) Have a CDMA connection with "Connect automatically" checked in Edit Connections and be connected to it.
2) Left-click nm-applet and select Disconnect.

[This is just weird and should not be there.]
Immediately, the nm-applet icon turns into the connecting icon (2 dark balls with blue comet-thing swirling clock-wise) and an icon-less notify-osd bubble comes up showing:

[This is normal, ideal, and should stay.]
After some time, the nm-applet icon turns into the normal "Disconnected" icon and, at the same time, a second notify-osd bubble pops up with the normal icon and disconnected text:
Disconnected - you are now offline

I don't know how much of the nm-applet icons are from my icon set, but I have:
Theme: DarkRoom
Icons: black-white 2 gloss (installed in 8.10 and preserved through the upgrade)