Comment 5 for bug 318265

Revision history for this message
Mike Martinez (ubuntu-martinez-mail) wrote :

My Lucid installation with NetworkManager version 0.8 still only allows 4 character PIN.

A workaround, for reference follows.

I was able to reset the SIM card using the PUK by doing the following:

> sudo dbus-send --system --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=org.freedesktop.ModemManager /org/freedesktop/ModemManager/Modems/0 org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem.Gsm.Card.SendPuk string:"########" string:"####"

where the '--print-reply' is not strictly necessary, and I'm not sure if I needed the '--type=method_call' either. I guessed as the '--dest' to send to and verified by using '.GetImsei' to see when it worked.

The path was taken from the /var/log/syslog message where the modem was initialized. The method is from the spec.html document provided as docs with NetworkManager.

Once I sent this message, I was able to use the modem with the PIN again.
