Comment 2 for bug 288862

Revision history for this message
gpk (gpk-kochanski) wrote :

I see the same thing. It's just updated intrepid yesterday and it no longer works.
I purged and re-installed network-manager-gnome and network-manager
and reinstalled dbus and a couple of other plausible things.

ps indicates that nm-applet is actually running, but not displaying anything.
If I kill it and re-start it, I get this:

~$ kill 5889
gpk@nglap:~$ ps -e -f | grep nm-applet
gpk 6024 5987 0 11:21 pts/0 00:00:00 grep nm-applet
gpk@nglap:~$ nm-applet
^C** Message: Caught signal 2, shutting down...
gpk@nglap:~$ nm-applet
^C** Message: Caught signal 2, shutting down...
gpk@nglap:~$ man nm-applet
No manual entry for nm-applet
See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.
gpk@nglap:~$ sudo nm-applet
[sudo] password for gpk:

** (nm-applet:6132): WARNING **: No connections defined

I'm running a AMD64 with an atheros network card. I get no wired ethernet connection,
either, unless I run dhclient3 manually.