Comment 0 for bug 1443386

Revision history for this message
G.M. (sexxxenator) wrote :


For a few months now, I noticed a change in nm-applet applet's menus: Now, if none of the pre-configured network are available, then the menu entry for the corresponding entry is greyed-out. Unfortunately, the whole kind of network (be it eth or wifi or both) the connection belongs to is ALSO greyed-out or simply removed for the entries.

Put simply, this means that, if I'm not at a common place (for which I had a change to configure a network, prior to the nm-applet code modification), where a pre-configured network is available, I simply CANNOT open ANY dialog and create a configuration in order to connect... This feels identically useful as the service providers that provide information on how to correct your problem with access to yours emails, by sending you an email...

Who had this brilliant idea? Can anyone revert this behaviour to one where it is ALWAYS possible to open a NetworkManager dialog, that allows to diagnose/correct/create new network connections?
