Comment 0 for bug 1180757

Revision history for this message
Damien (youpla-b) wrote :

This menu need to be reorganised a bit. There are a lot of separation lines, to the point the user has trouble understanding what they are separating.

I'd love to put a screenshot of it but I can't ( so I'll use my best ascii art instead. Here is how it shows on my computer:

phone1 ~greyed~
disconnected ~greyed~
some network
phone2 ~greyed~
disconnected ~greyed~
another network
wireless network ~greyed~
current network
some wifi
another wifi
a third wifi
too many wifi
I can see five
connect to an invisible wifi
create new wifi network
VPN connections ~with submenu~
activate network
activate wireless network
connexion informations
manage connexions

The separation line should only separate different objects: modem1, modem2, wireless, VPN, options. There shouldn't be a line between active and inactive connections: an icon change and the following line "disconnect" indented should be enough. Like this:

phone1 ~greyed~
disconnected ~greyed~
(x) some network
phone2 ~greyed~
disconnected ~greyed~
(x) another network
wireless network ~greyed~
(✓) current network
(x) some wifi
(x) another wifi
(x) a third wifi
(x) too many wifi
(x) I can see five
connect to an invisible wifi
create new wifi network
VPN connections ~with submenu~
options ~greyed~
activate network
activate wireless network
connexion informations
manage connexions

This would be more compact and easier to read and understand.