Comment 0 for bug 1967084

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Michael Vogt (mvo) wrote : netplan dbus returns "false" in io.netplan.Netplan.Config.Set

As part of our ubuntu core integration testing we run the spread test for netplan on a PI device.

On this device our test fails with:
2022-03-25 14:33:00 Error executing external:ubuntu-core-20-arm-32:tests/core/netplan-cfg (external:ubuntu-core-20-arm-32) :
+ echo 'Getting version works'
Getting version works
+ snap get system
+ MATCH '^2$'
+ echo 'Getting the full document works and it is valid json'
Getting the full document works and it is valid json
+ jq .
+ snap get -d system
  "": {
    "network": {
      "ethernets": {
        "eth0": {
          "dhcp4": true,
          "match": {
            "macaddress": "b8:27:eb:41:42:43"
          "set-name": "eth0"
      "version": 2
+ echo 'Check that setting adding a br54 interface via netplan works'
Check that setting adding a br54 interface via netplan works
+ snap set system
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Run configure hook of "core" snap (run hook "configure": cannot try netplan config: no specific reason returned from netplan)

This error means that snapd called io.netplan.Netplan.Config.Set and got a "false" without an error from that call (c.f.