Comment 21 for bug 1881832

Revision history for this message
Anthony Bush (distributedfog) wrote :

@slyon - I use unraid here, and if I modify the VM configuration at all (I just mounted an unraid share through unraid's VM manager, and rebooted my Ubuntu Server - no IP address). I made no changes beyond that, which seems odd, (and I understand that unraid's VM manager is not applicable per-say here) just figured I would provide the additional information. Seems to happen anytime the configuration changes - the device name in Ubuntu is modified, but the netplan configuration keeps the original ethernet device name from the install. In this specific case, 00-installer-config.yaml has the device name as enp1s0, but the correct device name is now enp3s0. Luckily, I know how to fix, but its quite impactful.

IMHO, the issue is the installer's eth device path, which clearly changes later on in the lifecycle of the VM but netplan doesn't recognise nor modify it's config.