Comment 12 for bug 1819074

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

Given SRU and backport team policies, having a newer version of keepalived in bionic seems pretty unlikely. SRU policy favors backports of specific fixes rather than entire package backports, while the backports team generally discourages backports of libraries or services since they can randomly break other software using them.

So, the most practical route forward would be to identify the patch(es) needed for fixing the particular issue at hand, and go through the regular SRU process. I am, unfortunately, completely unfamiliar with keepalived, but attached is a list of upstream comments mentioning "VIP" since the v.1.3.9 release, which I generated like this:

    git log --grep="VIP" v1.3.9.. > /tmp/vip_commits.txt

The next step would be for someone more familiar than me, to review the list and identify 1 or 2 patches worth testing. Then apply the patch to the bionic keepalived package and test for a fix. After we know what patch is needed, an SRU request can be placed to have it released for all users.