Comment 4 for bug 901273

Revision history for this message
Bart (bart-axelabs) wrote :

This is affecting me on Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS. My /etc/xinet.d/tftp is and tftpd is version 0.17-18ubuntu2:

$ echo test>test; tftp localhost
tftp> put test
Error code 2: Access violation

$ ls -ld /tftpboot/
drwxrwxrwx 2 nobody nogroup 4096 Dec 6 13:22 /tftpboot/

The work around seems to be creating a blank file first:

$ sudo -u nobody sh <<< "cd /tftpboot; touch test; chmod 777 test"
$ tftp localhost
tftp> put test
Sent 6 bytes in 0.0 seconds