Comment 7 for bug 2042644

Revision history for this message
Nick (kousu) wrote :

I've found the problem, it was this commit

That patch makes the code a no-op, with web_filename never getting filled in:

    char web_filename[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
    struct stat statbuf;
    if (stat(web_filename, &statbuf) != 0) {
         w->>content_type = CT_TEXT_HTML;
         buffer_strcat(w->, "File does not exist, or is not accessible: ");
         buffer_strcat_htmlescape(w->, web_filename);

This was corrected in 1.43.0: though I'm not sure if it was because it was trying to fix this bug; there's a note in the changelog that "Removing allow-symlinks.patch, not needed anymore (Closes: #1043415).", but is 404 for me so I am stumped. I guess it doesn't really matter though 😶

((and btw Debian is unaffected by this because they're further behind: they're only at netdata 1.29.3 which still has the `lstat()` call directly on that line instead of the `find_filename_to_serve()` helper.))

**So**: my request, please backport 1a9d47b69d9517476741e8bdaaf703adb5d19ac4 onto v1.41.1-1 and publish it as v1.41.1-2 so I can please use netdata again on my Mantic servers. Thank you :)