Comment 5 for bug 414704

Revision history for this message
David Planella (dpm) wrote :

Hi Neil,

Yes, Alt+F1 shows the correct translations for both the menu categories and the application entries in the menu. The applications themselves are also translated. You can see this in the screenshot:

* The "Sound and Video" menu category appears:
  * untranslated in the left panel (netbook-launcher)
  * translated ("So i vídeo") in the Alt+F1 context menu (is gnome-panel loading this?)

* Inside the "Sound and Video" menu, taking Brasero as an example, its name (from /usr/share/applications/brasero.desktop) appears:
  * untranslated in the left panel (netbook-launcher)
  * translated ("So i vídeo > Enregistrador de discs Brasero") in the Alt+F1 context menu (is gnome-panel loading this?)

I have also been able to reproduce this with another language (German).

The fact that the translations of .desktop files containing static translations (i.e. textual translations inside the .desktop file) are loaded correctly, but not those contained in .mo files (e.g. the translations from gedit.desktop in Ubuntu are stripped and put in, to be loaded at runtime), seems to confirm the suggestion that netbook-launcher does not load gettext translations at runtime.

Some of the files containing static translations in the .desktop files are:


These are the only ones which appear translated, but in fact they shouldn't contain translations (they should have been stripped by pkgbinarymangler, so probably separate, unrelated bugs should be opened for each one of them - see See