Comment 22 for bug 989624

Revision history for this message
Hunter Perrin (hperrin) wrote :

I developed a workaround that does fix the problem. HOWEVER, it will change the default font in EVERY GTK2 application!

Run these commands:

MYTHEME="Ambiance" # Using a different theme? Change it.

MYFONT="Sans 10" # Replace with another font if you prefer.

echo -e "\ninclude \"apps/netbeans.rc\"" | sudo tee -a /usr/share/themes/$MYTHEME/gtk-2.0/gtkrc

echo -e "# NetBeans bold font workaround.\nstyle \"netbeans_window\" {\n\tfont_name = \"$MYFONT\"\n}\nwidget \"*\" style \"netbeans_window\"" | sudo tee /usr/share/themes/$MYTHEME/gtk-2.0/apps/netbeans.rc

Now change your theme, and change it back. (Or restart.) And load up NetBeans. Bam! No more bold. You're welcome. ;)