Comment 29 for bug 102675

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Mackenzie Morgan (maco.m) wrote :

hardyn, since Sokraates said that the problem stars after ifupdown is updated, but rolling that update back doesn't fix it, I think what happened is that when that was installed, it included directions or a script to overwrite the /etc/network/interfaces with what we all have (but rolling back didn't involve an undo script). I don't have an Atheros card/driver, yet ath0 was put in there. Prizrak's are Intel, but he has the Atheros interface as well. If it had just reset it to how it was on install, that wouldn't have added ath0 to mine and Prizrak's because we don't have those cards. I think it overwrote the old file. If you notice, it also has 3 eth's. eth0 = wired, eth1 = wireless, eth2 = well, why would you have 3 network cards (or in this case, it's showing 5, really: eth0, eth1, eth2, ath0, wlan0)? Maybe for bridging and routing, or if one is a modem but that's usually ppp I think. Well if you don't have one of those configurations, there shouldn't be an eth2 or that many interfaces listed in general. By extension, if there are more interfaces listed than you have, it just sits there trying to find them ("It says there's 2 more network cards, where are they? *search* I can't find them! *search more* ") and looks like a hang when you boot. Eventually, it times out on that search and moves on with booting.

Ben, sky2 is a crappy crappy driver. There are a ton of bugs against it. I'm just happy I finally realised that sudo modprobe -r sky2 sudo modprobe sky2 will get it going again without a reboot (I've been rebooting constantly because of it). I really wouldn't be surprised if that was a totally unrelated bug that's simply result of sky2's crap-itude.