Comment 91 for bug 95853

Revision history for this message
nomnex (nomnex) wrote : Re: [Bug 95853] Re: Add an option to get a confirmation dialog before deleting files in Nautilus

On Fri, 2010-04-30 at 12:55 +0000, Andrei Drynov wrote:
> I am sorry, but I got tired of this thread. Who do I close the bug (I
> am
> the originator)?
> I am a happy cretin user of Windows (yes, nomnex, you give very bad
> impression of Linux users, unlike people in Ubuntu forums), so I do
> some
> cretin stuff like Silverlight 4 development, VLDB processing and AD
> management - without any issues.
> Specific tools for specific uses...

Oh, you want to humor me. Go head.

Bugs don't close -- this is not a thread on the Ubuntu forum. See the
wiki to have some insight about the
bug status.

As for for Silverlight it is indeed just another MS cretin stuff to,
once again, attempt to impose a proprietary format no one--the normal
people--will ever care about. Microsoft is the bug number 1 on Launchpad
Ubuntu, see: I don't really know
why you bring this here? Go post about you skills on a MS board.

Give a very bad impression of Linux users? No way. I am always glad to
help other Linux users and to get help. What makes you think such thing?

I have put in perspective the difference between "MOVE" and "DELETE from
the system". Obviously some (insecure) ex-MS fan boys still do not catch
the difference very well, hence the whining. But that's part of the
learning curve. Linux needs commitment.

PS: Tired? Nothing holds you to un-subscribe.
