Comment 34 for bug 885989

Revision history for this message
Bill Turner, wb4alm (wb4alm) wrote :

I agree with Paul, I do not understand why this still has not been fixed.

Multiple screen support worked in Ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10, and does not now work in Ubuntu 11.xx or Ubuntu 12.xx

(I am currently on Ubuntu 12.10, would have prefered to stay on 12.04 LTS, but other issues with 12.04.1 forced me to upgrade to 12.10)

Since I am accustomed to being able to run separate X screens, (one "screen" was a single 1024x768, and the other "screen" was a triple 1440x900) running on a dual head display card) --- being restricted to two SINGLE monitors running in twinview has severely affected my productivity.

While I am a software and systems developer, I do not program in "C", so I am not comfortable or knowlegable in how to "patch" files and recompile them under Linux --- and cannot afford to lose my system again for weeks on end like what happened with the upgrade to 12.04.1.