Comment 8 for bug 873788

Revision history for this message (ubuntu-allefant) wrote :

Well, the Ubuntu upgrade caused me to lose access to an important tool (apparently not because of a bug but on purpose, so all the worse) - so I think this is a good place to mention solutions.

However XFE does not seem to have any way to modify metadata. And Dolphin has metadata but does not seem to support emblems. So not really alternatives.

The best alternative I found is Thunar. Even transferring the Nautilus metadata (can query them with gvfs) to Thunar (can set them with tdbtool) is not too difficult. So if someone has the same problem and finds this bug report, two viable work-arounds are:

- Stay with Nautilus and use a plugin like the one above until they restore the functionality.
- Switch to Thunar.