Comment 3 for bug 799708

Revision history for this message
Aiman (aimanbro) wrote :

I have attached a screenshot of said philosopher, with an image of Pythagoras alongside so you can see for your very eyes the amazing resemblance.

Now bear with me for a second, but I will have you know my dear comrades, that I have uncovered a major security bug in Ubuntu. This screenshot is clear and irrefutable evidence that there is among the Ubuntu development team, a secret Pythagorean sect!! I have attached within this screenshot another image that shows the monitor preferences menu icon, and lo and behold, a RIGHT ANGLE TRIANGLE! I am sure if we were to dig deeper there would be even more Neopythagorean elements in this product created by these masterminds.

What does this mean? It means irrational numbers are not safe! Do you want your children living in a world where we can not use the square root of 2?? or pi??! This madness must stop!
