Comment 39 for bug 667071

Revision history for this message
Doug McMahon (mc3man) wrote :

Glad to see that POSSIBLY thru the effort of Phillip Susi that this may be sru'd for maverick and lucid (though it doesn't affect all on lucid for some reason) and finally be put to bed.
There are actually 2 bugs in play -
First that the default folder handler can be changed in nautilus to something other than nautilus thru the 'remember this.." option. ( can't see any reason why at this late date will ever be changed.
Second that because of the above that the remember option is default enabled.
The second 'bug' was addressed in natty, hopefully now for maverick/lucid.

The bugfix (2nd) does not prevent this from happening, only makes it less likely to.

The first bug would need to be fixed to make it not possible to happen, but the behavior of the 'remember' option is tied to both files and folders, has some value for files, and again can't see it being seperated and fixed for folders only.

unfortunately this orig. bug on maverick during dev had less than stellar handling, (myself included), otherwise this already could have been dealt with (as far as 10.10
bug #603833